How To Pass A Job Interview! (10 Essential Tips for ACING any Job Interview!)

How To Pass A Job Interview! (10 Essential Tips for ACING any Job Interview!)

How To Pass A Job Interview!
(10 Essential Tips for ACING any Job Interview!)

In this blog, we will teach you how to pass any job interview by following 10 simple tips! If you have a job interview coming up for any role, or any company, make sure you read to the end…


Research the company before your interview!

One of the biggest mistakes people make at interview, is not being able to talk about the company they are applying to work for.

So, when the interviewer says to you:

  1. What do you know about our company?
  2. Why do you want to work for us?

You must be able to demonstrate you have carried out a little bit of research.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Visit the website of the company you want to work for and view their ABOUT US PAGE, and find out about their history, their products and services, and their achievements. These will give you something to talk about during the interview.
  1. Follow their social media pages and take note of their latest posts and news stories. Again, this will give you something to talk about during the interview!


Quickly read the job description and take note of the essential skills that are needed in the role.

The job description is the document which you will be assessed against during your interview.

On the job description, there will be a list of key skills needed to perform the job to the required standard. For example, most job descriptions list skills such as:

  • Being able to work as part of a team;
  • Communication skills;
  • Problem solving capabilities;
  • Dealing with customers and clients.

Once you have read the job description, think of previous situations you have been in where you have demonstrated all of the skills listed on the job description.

We can guarantee the interviewer will assess your ability to perform all of the skills detailed on the job description by way of behavioural interview questions.

Examples of these include:

  1. Tell me about a time when you worked as part of a team.
  2. Tell me about a time when you solved a challenging problem.
  3. Tell me about a time when you provided excellent customer service.

Make sure you prepare answers to these behavioral interview questions!


Wear an outfit for your interview that shows you are serious about the job!

Lots of people ask us what they should wear to their interview. We always say it is far better to overdress for the interview, than underdress.

The interviewer will form an opinion of you within 8 seconds of the interview starting, and a quick way to show them you care, and that you have high professional standards, is to wear a formal and smart outfit.

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Always speak favourably about former work colleagues and managers!

A sure-fire way to fail any job interview is to talk negatively about your previous employer, your manager, or your work colleagues.

During your interview, the hiring manager is likely to ask you the question, WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR JOB?

This tough interview question is assessing just as much your attitude towards your former employer, as it is your reasons for leaving. DO NOT be negative about your employer under any circumstances, even if you are leaving for reasons that are not positive!


Practice answering the most common interview questions!

This next tip is what all successful candidates do before their interview.

They sit in a chair, in front of a mirror or in front of a friend or relative, and they practice answering the most common interview questions.

By practicing your responses to the interview questions before the real thing gives you a much-needed confidence boost and it will also help alleviate any interview nerves.

So, before you attend the interview, have a go at answering these interview questions:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why do you want this job?
  3. What do you know about our company?
  4. Why should we hire you?
  5. How would you deal with conflict with a co-worker?
  6. When have you worked as part of a team?
  7. How do you handle stress and pressure?
  8. Why should we hire you?
  9. Do you have any questions for us?


Get your interview introduction prepared and rehearsed!

So, we already know at the start of the interview, the interviewer will say to you, tell me about yourself.

If you stumble with your response, it will make you nervous for the rest of the interview! Therefore, it is vital you get a rock-solid job interview introduction ready before the actual interview!

Here’s a great video tutorial on how to answer “Tell me about yourself” or “Introduce yourself”:


Practice good lobby technique!

This is a very simple tip but it is also highly effective. Get to the interview location 15 minutes early.

When you arrive, be nice to the receptionist and say, “Hello, my name is [Insert Name] and I am here for the interview today, thank you.”

Then, sit down in the reception area, and read the job description one more time before the interview starts. Don’t sit there slouched forward scrolling on your phone. Aim to demonstrate professionalism right from the word go!

You never know, the interviewer may ask the receptionist after your interview what you were like when you arrived!


Ask 3 SMART questions at the end of the interview!

Once the interview comes to a close, you will have the chance to ask the interviewer some questions.

At this stage, most candidates say… “I don’t have any questions, you covered everything during the interview.”

This is a mistake. Asking questions is your opportunity to show the interviewer you care about their company, and you want to excel in the role.


  1. What advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to excel in the position?
  2. What would you need me to focus on in the role within the first few weeks of starting?
  3. How has the company evolved over the years?


Clean up your online image!

Let’s assume you have a good interview. The interviewer is genuinely interested in offering you the position, but before they do, they take a quick look online to see whether or not you are on social media.

Do your social media posts depict a professional image? If they don’t, make sure your posts are private, and they can’t be accessed publicly.

In addition to this, do you have a professional answerphone message on your cell phone, or is it unprofessional?

If the interviewer calls you to offer you the position, and you are not available, and then they are greeted by an unprofessional sounding answerphone message, could this put them off? Absolutely!

Always consider the little things that could hinder your chances of passing the job interview!


Follow up after the interview has finished!

A great way to keep you in the mind of the interviewer is to send them a thank you email as soon as you get home after the interview has finished. Here’s a great interview follow up email template to send:

Dear sir/madam,

RE: Thank you following today’s job interview.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed for the position of [INSERT JOB ROLE] today with your company. I thoroughly enjoyed the process and I would very much love to work for your company.

If you need any further information to help you make a decision, then please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below.

Yours faithfully,


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  • Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
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